Maybe you have the rights to a book, an article or someone’s life story that you want to turn into a screenplay. Or maybe you just have an idea that you think would make a great movie. Whatever your starting place, the key to ending up with a great script is planning.
As a professional screenwriter, my method starts with drilling down into a concept to discover the most important thing of all:
- what is the beating heart of the story?
In other words, what will make an audience care about the characters and the journey they go on.
Once I know that, I can accurately pre-plan my first draft in stages with..
character outlines
a plot outline
a script treatment
My ultimate goal is to have a well-thought-out first draft so that the project doesn’t get bogged down.
My careful planning also ensures that the first draft reads like a third or fourth draft.
If you have questions about hiring a screenwriter, get in touch today for a free chat and a quote.
PLEASE NOTE: Only projects with script development funds will be considered.

Writing Samples