The Challenge of Rewriting Someone Else's Idea
They say at least 90% of your career as a screenwriter will be spent rewriting other people’s scripts. It can be a major challenge, especially when the amount of work to be done is huge and the deadline is near impossible. Working on this indigenous sci-fi screenplay was an absolute blast, but for screenwriters eager for gigs, that won’t always be a given.
So how do you find the inspiration to work like a dog on an idea that’s not your own?
Find your own angle on the story that will help you fall in love with it.
Foster a great working relationship with your client.
Lots of caffeine.

Rewrite of Indigenous Australian Sci-Fi 'Kindred'
The last six weeks have been a screenwriting sprintathon for me as I raced to complete a big concept overhaul on this indigenous sci-fi adventure called ‘Kindred’, set in the Australian outback. I’m proud to say that the draft was delivered on time and the client was thrilled with the results:
“Once again, Phil proved himself an Olympic script athlete, going the extra mile and running it in sub-ridiculous-deadline. If there were a medal for every time he finished a section victorious, his cabinet would be full. And he certainly smashed every record I know for problem-solving on the fly. If you have a script, and it needs reworking, get Phil – and put him in the fast lane.”
– Josh Bryer, Director (Red Centre Films)
The story of Kindred was inspired by a short film, originally written and produced by Josh, which was honored as an Official Selection at several film festivals, including the Boston, Melbourne Underground and Australian Sci-Fi Film Festivals. It then went on to receive world-wide distribution via Proven Entertainment.
Kindred has won and placed in three different screenwriting competitions since completion. Interest has been expressed by producers in England and China. Client is over the moon! However, Kindred is still on the hunt for the right producer to be its champion. The time is right for an indigenous superhero! Australia's 'Black Panther'.

Indigenous Sci-Fi
This feature-length version of Kindred centers around the story of an Indigenous Australian man who is abducted by aliens and told he possesses undiscovered powers that can help save humanity from impending doom.
Please help spread the word about this indigenous sci-fi story using the social media links below. Remember, sharing is sexy! :)
Many thanks!